
Silvestro Lodi – Over Dict

Überwindung der Diktaturen – Dichter, Künstler und Schriftsteller in der Begegnung

Wanderausstellung (Aston Webb Building, University of Birmingham, Muzeul Naţional de Artă Contemporană, Bucarest, Gallery U Frycza Kraków, Open Society Archives, CEU in Budapest (HUN), Rathaus Dresden – wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit – Realisierung der Videoportraits der Künstler (Teil der Wanderausstellung)

4 Portraits, Deutschland 2008.

Autor/Regie/Kamera/Schnitt: Barbara Lubich
Sounddesign: Nikolaus Woernle

Musik: Hannes Buder

Kommentare: “The film documentary by Barbara Lubich is not only a mirror of project events, but rather a treasure chest filled with magic insights into discussions and intimate personal stories. You can see Hungarian artist Sándor Pinczehelyi confront his works from the 1970s, which he had increasingly rejected over the years because – as he himself put it – “they have been quoted so many times.” Zsófia Balla describes the dire personal consequences of political decisions and explains how poetry helped her to cope with her experiences in Ceauşescu’s Romania. And Venetian painter Silvestro Lodi reappropriates the tailoring patterns of his granddad in order to form his own artistic style.”